
jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

¿Communion for divorced?

Cardenal Reinhard Marx, Arzobispo de Munich y Freising (Alemania). Foto Daniel Ibáñez / ACI Prensa¿Communion for divorced? We proposed and the pope decided, says Cardinal Marx

VATICAN CITY, 21 Oct. 15 / 24:21 (CNA) .- Cardinal Reinhard Marx, who a few days ago promoted the admission to the sacrament of Penance and Communion of divorcees in new union-explained that the bishops who are part the only German group discussion at the Synod have already submitted their proposals and now "depends on the Holy Father" accept them or not.

The Cardinal Marx was referring to the relationship (document) their language group announced on their contributions to the final text of the Synod of Bishops, which will be voted paragraph by paragraph on Saturday 24 October.

At a press conference held this afternoon at the Sala Stampa Vatican, Cardinal Marx he said that "the Synod ends (October 25) but not the end. In the group of those who speak German have some proposals "that" have given to the Holy Father and see if they are accepted. "

Recognizing that the bishops at a synod can not "decide on the doctrine", he also Archbishop of Munich and Freising said they have proposed unanimously bishops of his country "we have discussed very intensively" and "is not only a German problem. "

The Cardinal also said he hoped the Synod "Synod is not a closed but open to people" able to tell people "will be with you when they fail" or when "dreams" can not be achieved.

The ratio of the smallest circle in German

In the text of the German bishops stated, among other things, that "it is well known that in the two sessions of the Synod was an intense debate on the question of whether and to what extent, the divorced and remarried, when they want to take part of the life of the Church can receive the sacrament of Confession and the Eucharist under certain conditions. "

"The divorced and remarried should ask themselves how they have treated their children when the marital community was in crisis. Was there an attempt at reconciliation? What is the status of the partner that has been left behind? What is the effect of the new union in the extended family and the community of the faithful? How does this affect the role of being an example for young people who are considering marriage? An honest assessment can strengthen trust in the mercy of God rejects no one who presents his failure and suffering before him, "says the document.

This "journey of reflection and penance may in the internal forum, with a look at the objective situation in conversation with the confessor, contribute to the formation of conscience and the clarification of access to the sacraments which it is possible".

The proposal of the Synod Cardinal Marx

Speaking on October 14 before the bishops arrived from around the world to participate in the Synod of the Family, Cardinal Marx said that "we must seriously consider -looking each case individually and not generally admit mode divorced and remarried to the sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion. "

This should be allowed, he said, "when the shared life in a canonically valid marriage has definitely failed and the marriage can not be annulled, the responsibilities of this marriage have been resolved, no regret over the lack that is the breakdown of the marriage and there the will to live the second civil marriage in faith, educate children in the faith. "

Cardinal Marx intervention comes after years of a number of orders of the German bishops to change the rules of the Church on the matter, although in the last 50 years the popes have rejected this proposal to go against the doctrine of the Church which states that marriage is indissoluble and that this link will only end with the death of one spouse.

On the return flight from Philadelphia to Rome in late September, Pope Francis told reporters that give Communion to divorced new union was a "simplistic" solution.

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